Prescription bottles, medications over dollar bills with a stethoscope on top
October 15, 2020
Written By:
Brian Goldman
Retirement Specialist, Financial Adviser

Medicare Enrollment Period Is Here!

HERE WE ARE! It is the 2021 Medicare Enrollment season. For the next 53 days anyone who has a Medicare HMO, PPO, POS or Prescription Drug plan can change their plan for 2021.

JUST 53 DAYS!!! Think about how short 53 days is...

  • 53 days ago it was 90 degrees outside and everyone’s grass was burnt. The Steelers were 0-0 and the Penguins were still in the playoffs.
  • 53 days is all the government gives you to decide your health care for the next 365 days.

Last year, if your choice included a high deductible and large hospital costs, you assumed you were safe. You were healthy … then you got COVID and spent a few nights in the hospitals and came home to a few thousand dollars of bills in the mail.

Imagine if you didn’t care last year about your plan covering tele-health visits with your doctor.

Just 53 days...

That’s all the time you have to make sure your plan for 2021 is the perfect plan for you.

In Western PA, they are over 50 plan options available for 2021. There is NO WAY you can look over all of these on your own. CALL A MEDICARE SPECIALIST NOW!! It doesn’t cost you a penny to have the conversation with an expert about all your options for 2021.

Just 53 days.

That’s all the time you have. MAKE IT COUNT. CALL A SPECIALIST NOW.

Brian Goldman
Retirement Specialist, Financial Adviser